Become A Signature Member Today!
Experience the ultimate convenience and savings by joining our exclusive membership program! Get ready to indulge in customized massage services at a jaw-dropping discount of up to 25%. With various membership packages, you can select the one that perfectly suits your needs without any tricky conditions. Join us now and elevate your self-care routine to the next level!
We offer a variety of memberships, including general and corporate options, to help clients reach their health and wellness goals.
At Diamond Sweetness & Passiflora Spa, we are all about putting our clients first, which shows in our fantastic membership options! With our prioritization of satisfaction and flexibility, we offer outstanding memberships. Our clients can opt-out at any time without worrying about long-term contracts. Plus, we love to show appreciation for the hardworking Military, First Respondents, Frontline Healthcare, Teachers, & Students by offering a complimentary Diamond Membership upon proper ID presentation. But that's not all! We also believe in rewarding loyalty with discounts and incentives rather than binding contracts. So sign up and experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation, all while enjoying the benefits of being a valued member of Diamond Sweetness & Passiflora Spa.
Joining is easy; simply call us or join online below.
For just one low price a month you’ll receive these member-only benefits:
Diamond Membership Includes
5% off all catering services
15% discount on all massage services
Earn FREE services with referrals
Complimentary aromatherapy
Only $5 Monthly
Sapphire Membership Includes
Complimentary gift bag
10% off all catering services
20% discount on all massage services
Earn FREE services with referrals
Complimentary aromatherapy
Only $10 Monthly
Onyx Membership Includes
Complimentary gift bag
Members only coupon book
15% off all catering services
25% discount on all massage services
Earn FREE services with referrals
Complimentary aromatherapy
Share your membership with family (Under One Household)
Only $15 Monthly
Looking to boost your employees' well-being and take your business to the next level?
A wellness program is the answer!
Show your team how much you value their hard work by investing in their health. Our corporate health program is affordable and easy to implement, offering perks like nourishing catered meals, on-site massages, and group meditations. Not only will your employees be grateful for the support, but your business will also benefit from a positive reputation. A happy team is productive, and a healthier work environment will impress clients and colleagues alike.
Don't wait to elevate your business with a top-notch wellness program!
When you sign up for our Corporate Health Membership Program, you're not just joining a network but becoming part of an exciting community! As a corporate member, we proudly promote your company on our “Affiliate” page, showcase it at our exclusive events, and even offer opportunities for free advertisement. Get ready to make some serious waves in the wellness world!
You can get the Corporate Health Membership Program for FREE below or simply call us.
Corporate Health Membership Includes
Corporate Traveling Cafeteria Fee waved once per Month
10% off all corporate catering services
10% off all In-office chair massages
All company employees will receive a FREE Diamond membership
FREE online advertisement opportunities